What is the Difference Between HTTP and HTTPS?

What is the Difference Between HTTP and HTTPS?

Before understanding the difference between HTTP and HTTPS, we shall learn What HTTP is.

HTTP Full Form:

HTTP Full Form is HyperText Transfer Protocol. When you are browsing a website, data transfer is possible because of HTTP. However, HTTP is vulnerable as the data is transferred in plain text. Cybercriminals can use it to monitor user activities. So, when a user is entering his account details or bank details on an HTTP website, hackers can steal the information. Moreover, even the downloads may contain different types of Malware. Therefore, HTTPS was introduced.

What is the Difference Between HTTP and HTTPS, HTTP Vs HTTPS, HTTP Full Form

HTTPS Full Form:

The S in HTTPS stands for Secure. Unlike HTTP websites, HTTPS secures the data transferred between the users and the website through encryption. Most popular websites like YouTube, Facebook, Amazon, Banking Websites, Shopping Websites, etc., works on HTTPS. Even our website is safe and secure with HTTPS protocol. 

If you are running a blog or website, you must have HTTPS protocol to rank higher in the Google Search Results.

What is SSL?

If you are a website owner, you must apply for SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificate. Only then can you use the HTTPS protocol on your website. 

SSL Enabled

Is HTTPS Mandatory?

No. If you are simply browsing a website, reading articles, etc., you don’t have to worry about the HTTP protocol. However, if you are entering your details in a form, giving bank details for purchasing, and other activities where you have to share your information, you must ensure that the website has HTTPS protocol. 

How to know if the website has HTTP or HTTPS protocol?

If you look at the URL bar, you can see the website name. On the left of the website name, you can see a Lock symbol. If the website you are browsing has the green/grey lock symbol, then the website is running on HTTPS protocol and is safe. 

For websites with HTTP protocols, it is mentioned as Non-Secure, with a triangle icon. Moreover, you can click on the lock symbol to ensure the website has an SSL certificate. 

You might also be interested in reading about What is IP Address.

HTTP Vs HTTPS – Conclusion:

Now that you understand What is the Difference Between HTTP and HTTPS, you can protect your privacy. You might find new websites with HTTP protocol where they offer huge discounts. Don’t enter your personal or banking details on such websites, as your data can be hacked. Therefore, we suggest you check if the website is safe or unsecured before entering any information or downloading files.

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