Last Updated on June 27, 2021 by Tech Queries Team
GPU and CPU are two of the primary hardware components of a computer. The Central Processing Unit (also known as a processor) and Graphical Processing Unit look similar but perform different tasks. But the main differences between GPU Vs CPU are their functions.
Previously, computers were only used to perform calculations, watch a movie, listen to songs, play mini-games, and perform other simple activities. But after the introduction of high-end games, and designing software, the CPU was not able to handle the load. Therefore, a Graphical Processing Unit was manufactured to process only graphical operations and reduce the stress on the CPU.
Here we are going to discuss the difference between CPU and GPU, along with their similarities, functions, and more.
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Definition of CPU, GPU, and APU:
Before we start differentiating the two components, we want you to understand the basic definition and functions of CPU and GPU.
What is CPU?
The Central Processing Unit (often referred to as a processor) is the brain and the most significant part of the computer, which carries various operations. It was initially designed to perform arithmetic and logical calculations on a computer. There are different Types of Processors in a Computer.
What is GPU?
GPU is a Graphical Processing Unit (often mentioned as Computer Graphics or Graphics Card) that was introduced to carry all graphical operations.
A GPU comes in various forms. A GPU can be integrated inside the processor, or located on the system motherboard, or placed on the graphics card motherboard.

What is APU?
While we are still figuring out the difference between CPU and GPU, the popular CPU manufacturing company named AMD has introduced a hybrid chip called APU (Accelerated Processed Unit). APU is the next-generation chip that performs as both GPU and CPU. Therefore, with APU, you don’t need an integrated GPU chip. An APU chip can perform better than a CPU and GPU, but it is not as powerful as a Dedicated Graphics Card.
GPU Vs CPU – Functions:
Functions of a CPU:
You can use the CPU for all general purposes like performing calculations, creating word/excel files, watching movies, listening to songs, browsing the web, playing 2D games, and more.
Functions of a GPU:
GPU is designed only for enhancing the graphics. With a GPU, you can play high-end games and use designing software smoothly. But, otherwise, you cannot perform any other activities with the help of a GPU.
You can watch the video where NVIDIA Team demonstrates how CPU and GPU works.
GPU Vs CPU – Performance:
Serial Processing Technique Vs Parallel Processing Technique:
We have already mentioned that a Central Processing Unit uses the Serial Processing Technique, and the Graphical Processing Unit uses Parallel Processing Technique. Here is a practical example of what that means.
Suppose CPU and GPU are needs to perform a calculation of 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8
How a CPU performs serial processing:
How a GPU performs parallel processing:
As you can see, GPU has several cores that process multiple tasks at once. And the CPU cores perform the tasks in a serial processing manner. It is not exactly how they work, but this example will help you understand the concept.
Why do you need a GPU for Gaming?
The CPU has 4-8 cores that perform different activities in a serial process. Whereas, the GPU has hundreds of cores that use parallel processing technique.
Here is a simple Example:
Suppose you are playing a high-end game like GTA, that has several detailed objects like cars, roads, people, structures, clouds, water, and more. To display all these objects, your CPU has to process all the details one by one. When you move your character, the view changes and the CPU has to render all the objects again at a faster pace.
So, a CPU is not built for processing multiple objects at a faster pace. Hence, you will feel lag, and your game runs on 10-12 FPS. Therefore, we use a GPU for playing high-end games like GTA V. The GPU has hundreds of cores, and it uses a parallel processing technique. That means the GPU can render all the objects much quicker to give you a better gaming experience.
GPU Vs CPU – Which is Better for Gaming:
CPU for Gaming:
In the olden days, when GPU didn’t exist, we still used to play games on the computer like Pacman, Mario, Roadrash, and more. When playing a 2D game, the background doesn’t change very often. But, in high-end 3D games, there are more details to render. However, the CPU is still capable of running some games like Age of Empires II, Hitman I, and more that contains fewer graphics.

GPU for Gaming:
On the other hand, the Graphical Processing Unit can help you play the latest high graphical games like CyberPunk, Watch Dogs Legion, Avengers, and more.
Note that you will require a dedicated Graphics Card with a higher RAM capacity to play the games mentioned above. You still cannot play these games with an integrated GPU clip.
We will talk more about integrated GPU chip Vs dedicated Graphics Card in another article.
CPU & GPU in Mobile Phones:
In Mobile Phones, the CPU and GPU aren’t separate components. In fact, both the processor and Graphics Chip are integrated into the SOC (System on Chip).
The Qualcomm processor comes with Adreno GPU, and the Exynos processors or Media Tek processors come with Mali GPU. Similarly, all the mobile processors come with built-in graphics.
Similarities between CPU and GPU:
Both CPU and GPU are Processing Units. They are Silicon-based microprocessor mounted to a Printed Circuit Board (PCB) with heat sinks connected to them.
But when we observe their microarchitecture, they have some significant differences that make them suited for various roles inside your computer.
How GPU and CPU work together?
GPU might improve the graphics of your computer. But it still requires to follow the instructions given by the CPU. Not just the CPU and GPU, but all other components of a computer work together while performing an activity.
Keyboard, Mouse, and Gamepad are all input devices. So, when you send information through them, it is the CPU that receives the information, processes the data, and give instructions to the GPU.
What is a Bottleneck?
In Simple Words: When you pour the liquid into a bottle, the liquid passes slowly through the bottle’s neck. The bottle’s neck prevents liquid from flowing at full speed. This concept is called Bottleneck.

In technical terms, suppose you install a powerful Graphics Card, but you still have a poor CPU, RAM, and other components. These old components prevent the Graphics Card from reaching its highest potential. This phenomenon is called Bottlenecking.
The bottom line is that you must have a proper setup of all the computer components to make them work concurrently.
Read more on What is Bottleneck and How to use Bottleneck Calculator?
GPU Vs CPU – Clocking:
The CPU has 2-8 fast and flexible cores, clocked at 2-3 GHz. On the other hand, the GPU has thousands of simple cores each clocked at 1 GHz that makes it suitable for parallel tasks. You can overclock both CPU and GPU to increase the performance. Read more on What is Overclocking?
GPU Vs CPU – Which is most Important?
It is stated multiple times that the CPU is the most important component of a computer. But, for running a high graphics application, you will require a GPU.
Another Example:
You might have heard about the Swiss army knife. A Swiss army knife is a multipurpose gadget that performs several tasks like cutting objects, opening lids, and more. But when it comes to performing human surgery, the blade in the swiss knife is not used. Doctors use a special kind of instrument for that.
Similarly, the CPU chip performs several activities on your computer, but when it comes to gaming, you need the right chip, which is GPU.
However, you should remember that you can run a computer without a GPU unit, but you cannot run it without a processor.

GPU Vs CPU in a Tabular Form:
Here are all major differences between a GPU and CPU in tabular form.
CPU performs all complex operations. | GPU performs only graphics rendering operations. |
One activity at a time | Performs several calculations faster |
Used for all fundamental activities | Mostly used for Gaming and Designing Software |
A chip placed on the motherboard | It could be i) Integrated into the processor ii) Placed on Motherboard iii) Placed on Dedicated Graphics Card |
Serial Processing Technique (That causes delay while rendering game graphics) | Parallel Processing Technique (Helps in rendering game graphics faster) |
For all General Purposes | Only For 1 Special Purpose of Processing Graphics |
Fewer Cores (2-8) | Several Cores (In Hundreds or Thousands) |
Needs more computer memory for processing tasks | Needs less computer memory for processing tasks (Graphics Card comes with their own memory) |
GPU cannot replace the tasks of the CPU. It is only for graphics. CPU can perform GPU tasks but at very low speed.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):
What is the Difference Between CPU and GPU?
CPU is a Central Processing Unit that performs all basic operations. Whereas, GPU is a Graphical Processing Unit that renders graphics faster and reduces the load on the CPU.
Can we use CPU as a GPU?
Yes. CPU also does the job of rendering graphics. But as we mentioned above, CPU cores work on serial processing techniques. Therefore, the CPU renders the graphics very slowly. You can play low graphics games with a CPU, but you will need a dedicated graphics card to play high-end games.
Is Ryzen a CPU or GPU?
Ryzen is a CPU manufactured by AMD. AMD also manufactures GPU chips called Radeon.
Is GPU faster than CPU?
Yes, but only while rendering graphics of games and designing software. Besides that, the GPU has no other use. All other functions are processed by the CPU alone.
Does a GPU make a PC faster?
A GPU makes your games run fast. Besides that, it also speeds up video processing and rendering.
Is CPU or GPU more important for FPS?
GPU is important for getting high FPS.
Is GPU a Graphics Card?
No, GPU is a simple silicon-made chip similar to CPU. Graphics card has a dedicated GPU chip, motherboard, RAM, and cooling fans.
How many cores does a GPU have?
A CPU contains hundreds of cores that work in parallel processing mode.
Does a GPU have its own RAM?
If the GPU is integrated inside the processor or motherboard, it utilizes the system RAM. If the GPU is integrated on the graphics card, it has its own RAM, motherboard, and cooling fans. We have discussed the difference between GPU and Graphics Card in another article.
How much GPU RAM do I need for gaming?
It depends on the game you like to play. But usually, you can play most of the games with a 4 GB Graphics Card. Also, note that the GPU chip on the graphics card matters as well. Besides that, the CPU and RAM can also affect gaming performance.
Which is most important? The CPU, GPU, or Motherboard in a PC?
All the components are important to run a PC, but the most important one is the CPU, as it is considered the brain of the computer. For Instance, every part of the human body is important, but brain is the most important one.
GPU Vs CPU, which is more important for gaming?
Undoubtedly, GPU is more important for gaming.
Is GPU or CPU more important for video editing?
If the video contains lots of graphical elements, transitions, and effects, then a GPU will help you get better results faster. A CPU is good enough for editing casual videos.
GPU Vs CPU – The Conclusion:
CPU is the most important part of a computer or mobile. The Central Processing Unit helps you run all the essential tasks of your computer. It is the Brain of the Computer. Whereas, the GPU is an advanced version of the CPU. The primary function of a GPU is to reduce the load on the processor by rending the graphics.
It is important that you know the difference between GPU Vs CPU. If you have learned something new in this article, then share this article with your friends and family. Also comment below which Processor do you have in your PC.
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